Answers to Common Pest Control Questions

Pest intrusion is a common issue experienced by many homeowners. Unwanted guests, from insects to wildlife, can cause serious damage with their invasions not just to the structural integrity of your house, but to your health and wallet too. And some pest invasions can be downright scary.

Because there are so many different kinds of pests, there are so many different kinds of issues people face. But you don’t have to face them alone. Many people who suffer home invasions of unwanted pests do face similar experiences and ultimately have similar questions about how to proceed when under attack.

Here are some answers to common pest control questions that may hopefully help:

What can I do to prevent termites?

Because termites can’t survive without moisture, you’ll want to prevent it from accumulating within the home’s foundations. Downspouts, gutters, and splash blocks will help divert water, and ventilated crawl spaces reduce humidity. Make sure to inspect your house thoroughly as roof leaks (as well as window leaks) are often major conducive conditions that lead to termite infestation. Keep the vegetation trimmed so they do not cover vents, and maintain a gap of at least 18” between the wood and soil portions of your home.

How can I protect myself from stinging insects like ants, wasps, and yellowjackets?

Stinging insects live in colonies and sting only to protect themselves, giving off pheromones to instigate others in their colony to attack as well. The best precautionary measure to take is to seal exterior cracks and crevices to prevent entry. This can even work for scorpions as well. Ensure that you seal food covers and garbage cans when outdoors as well. Many stinging insects are also attracted to the excessive use of fragrances, so beware of overuse.

How do I get rid of cockroaches for good?

Depending on the species, cockroaches can re-infest, even after you’ve gotten rid of them. Baits are an effective means of removal, but best used in conjunction with other precautions. Undoubtedly, a major factor in controlling cockroaches is proper sanitation. For example, if there are food crumbs laying around, the roaches (as well as ants) will continue to feed upon these crumbs rather than take any manufactured bait you may be trying to use. Also, cardboard boxes and paper bags are often culprits in bringing roaches into the home, so be careful when bringing these items into your home. Regular exterior cockroach control and sealing of outside cracks and holes in walls will help limit such invasions. Because many species like warm, dark, and damp environments, those are the areas to treat directly.

How do I remove ants from my kitchen?

You can typically find ants on countertops, but this often reveals them also lurking inside cabinets or around the dishwasher. Treating an ant infestation also requires identifying which type of ant it is. Of the 700 species found in the U.S., about 25 different kinds invade homes. Some can be controlled using baits and sprays, while others cannot. Your best option is to find and treat the colony directly.

How can I prevent spiders from entering my home?

As with many insects, your best option is to seal cracks around windows, door frames, light fixtures, vents, and ceiling fans. Seal openings around pipes, sinks, and behind appliances. Spider webs can be removed with regular vacuuming, and some cockroach sticky traps can even help neutralize spiders.

Your safest action for any pest infestation is to have a routine inspection done by a professional pest control service company. Pied Piper Pest Control, Inc. is enthusiastically committed to providing property owners and managers the friendliest, safest and most effective solutions to eradicate and prevent pest and termite problems. If you have an infestation of ants, termites, bed bugs, spiders, roaches, fleas and ticks, rodents, or birds and bats, contact us today for a consultation.

Answers to Common Pest Control Questions